Florida jury awards $20 million for mesothelioma – Lexology

Goldberg Segalla LLP USA October 18 2011 In Garrison v. Union Carbide Corp. (Fla. Cir., Broward Co., Sept. 21, 2011), Charles Garrison alleged that he was exposed to asbestos-containing joint compound while remodeling the attic in his uncle’s home in 1974. Mr. Garrison did the work in exchange for free housing while attending college. The… Continue reading Florida jury awards $20 million for mesothelioma – Lexology

International Green Construction Code – Lexology

Fox Rothschild LLP Kimberly A. Freimuth USA November 2 2011 The International Code Council is expected to release the International Green Construction Code (IGCC) in March 2012.  The following are some bullet points on IGCC taken from the Synopsis of Public Version 2.0, which was issued in November 2010: Applicable to new construction, as well as alterations and additions to existing… Continue reading International Green Construction Code – Lexology

WoW! See the New ‘Wall of Wind’ Hurricane Simulator | Florida International University Wind Lab, Hurricane News | Our Amazing Planet

Behold, the Wall of Wind. Credit: Brett Israel.   SWEETWATER, FLA. — Looking up at the “Wall of Wind” quickly puts a hurricane’s roaring winds into context. Most people have ridden inside a car going 74 mph (119 kph), the speed at which a storm outgrows the tropical storm classification and becomes a hurricane. But that… Continue reading WoW! See the New ‘Wall of Wind’ Hurricane Simulator | Florida International University Wind Lab, Hurricane News | Our Amazing Planet

Alabama Supreme Court addresses coverage for faulty workmanship – Lexology

Traub Lieberman Straus & Shrewsberry LLP Brian Margolies USA October 25 2011 In its recent decision Town & Country Prop., L.L.C. v. Amerisure Ins. Co., 2011 Ala. LEXIS 183 (Ala. Oct. 21, 2011), the Supreme Court of Alabama had occasion to consider whether an underlying suit for defective workmanship triggered coverage under a general liability… Continue reading Alabama Supreme Court addresses coverage for faulty workmanship – Lexology

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