Another reminder on change orders: “don’t worry” about payment for extra work is not enforceable

William R. Mauck, Jr. – January 10, 2012 The importance of following change order provisions in a construction contract was emphasized yet again in a recent federal court decision:  Carolina Conduit Systems, Inc. v. MasTec North America, Inc. In this case, Carolina Conduit, a subcontractor, sued the general contractor, MasTec, for the cost of installing additional… Continue reading Another reminder on change orders: “don’t worry” about payment for extra work is not enforceable

It is time to clarify that plaintiffs in construction defect cases cannot recover more than 100% of their actual damages.

Heather M. Anderson – January 5, 2012 Developers in Colorado could be facing more of an uphill battle than the economy.  Attorneys for homeowners’ associations have conceived a new argument whereby they seek to hold the developer liable for one hundred percent of the damages in a construction defect action as a fiduciary under Colorado… Continue reading It is time to clarify that plaintiffs in construction defect cases cannot recover more than 100% of their actual damages.

California Construction Law: Important Changes Ahead – Real Estate & Construction

Daniel D. McMillan, Jeffrey B. Kirzner and Stephen V. O’Neal January 11, 2012 A number of significant changes to California construction statutes take effect over the next year. The first group of changes caps the amount of retention that can be withheld on public projects and shortens the time in which progress payments to subcontractors… Continue reading California Construction Law: Important Changes Ahead – Real Estate & Construction

Defective Windows Result in Class Action Lawsuit

January 9, 2012 Windows on houses are like tires on cars – they aren’t a really cool accessory and most of the time we just don’t think about them unless we have a problem with them.  Just like tires, windows can have a pretty significant affect on the performance of your.  When functioning properly, windows… Continue reading Defective Windows Result in Class Action Lawsuit

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