Early Resolution Strategies for Real Estate Disputes

Ever-increasing pressures to resolve disputes quickly and efficiently make it critical to give early consideration to strategies to maximize means for prompt resolution of disputes by settlement or adjudication. By making an early and comprehensive factual investigation and preliminary legal analysis, and considering various alternative mechanisms for dispute resolution outside traditional litigation, the real estate… Continue reading Early Resolution Strategies for Real Estate Disputes

Will Green codes LEED to Litigation?

Douglas J. Feichtner & Andrew R. Kwiatkowski – April 19, 2012 A deep recession and lethargic recovery have taken their toll on the U.S. construction industry. But despite the overall sluggishness in the construction sector, the U.S. green-building sector has flourished. Due in large part to federal government funding, green-building elements advanced into the building… Continue reading Will Green codes LEED to Litigation?

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