Construction Company Survey Reveals Latest Findings on New Green Building and LEED Certification Trends

Elizabeth Holden – December 4, 2012 A new Market Barometer survey published  by Turner Construction Company, the largest green builder in the United States, provides an updated look on sustainability practices in new building projects. The study, which included a survey of more than 700 executives from a wide variety of fields, showed a continued… Continue reading Construction Company Survey Reveals Latest Findings on New Green Building and LEED Certification Trends

Hurricane Sandy’s Impact on Construction Defects and the Transition Process

Ashley Newman – November 30, 2012 In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, thousands of homes have been severely damaged or destroyed and lives have been turned upside down. As the victims continue to deal with Sandy’s aftermath, it is very likely that many condominiums will find that preexisting construction defects in their buildings have been… Continue reading Hurricane Sandy’s Impact on Construction Defects and the Transition Process

Paperwork, and more Paperwork–Discovery in the Construction Lawsuit

Melissa Dewey Brumback – November 19, 2012 As I mentioned at the start of this series, one of the reasons that I like watching Law & Order is that things happen fast, and there is always a smoking gun paper  to be found by the lawyers over a night of eating cold Chinese food.  Yes, well-… Continue reading Paperwork, and more Paperwork–Discovery in the Construction Lawsuit

Navigating Nevada construction-defect law |

Courtney Forster – November 26, 2012 Nevada’s construction defect law was originally designed to help contractors and homeowners resolve their differences without resorting to litigation. Unfortunately, its real-world application has led to a confusing process full of traps for the unwary contractor. If you ignore them, short deadlines and strict notification requirements can leave you… Continue reading Navigating Nevada construction-defect law |

Construction Defect Center Now Launches an Initiative Focused on Chinese Copper Residential Plumbing Pipe & Leaks in Newer Subdivisions-Homeowners-Plumbers Save the Pipe

December 4, 2012 Two years ago, the Construction Defect Center began an investigation of copper residential plumbing pipe that was used in new US subdivisions, or condominium projects built after 2005. Initially the groups focus was on cheap, or poorly made copper residential plumbing pipe from China. The group is now looking at all makers-but… Continue reading Construction Defect Center Now Launches an Initiative Focused on Chinese Copper Residential Plumbing Pipe & Leaks in Newer Subdivisions-Homeowners-Plumbers Save the Pipe

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