Frye vs. Daubert = Plaintiff vs. Defense?

Annie Dike | IMS Expert Services® | November 23, 2015 It’s hard to decide if Florida is behind the times or just brilliant in its antiquated simplicity.  While the entirety of the federal courts and the majority of states have adopted the Daubert standard for admission of expert testimony, Florida has for years remained seemingly… Continue reading Frye vs. Daubert = Plaintiff vs. Defense?

Paper Experts: How a CV Can Create Apparent Expertise

Tony Lehman | The Dispute Resolver | November 30, 2015 In May, Jim Cohen of Thornton Tomasetti and Dan Valentine of Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc. (along with Dispute Resolver editor Tony Lehman) introduced a series of articles regarding Expert Witnesses and False Representation of Credentials. As that original article mentioned, one way that experts may misrepresent… Continue reading Paper Experts: How a CV Can Create Apparent Expertise

Court Rules Policyholder Covered for Damage Caused by Burglary

Nicole Vinson | Property Insurance Coverage Law Blog | November 28, 2015 Try to watch an hour of television without seeing an insurance company trying to sell you on their marvelous company. The insurance giants are on every channel and all with the same message—we will cover you if the bad event happens. Sadly, on… Continue reading Court Rules Policyholder Covered for Damage Caused by Burglary

Connecticut Court Holds No Cause Of Action Against Independent Adjuster For Negligence

Dick Bennett | Property Insurance Law Observer | November 30, 2015 The states are divided over whether an independent adjuster can be sued for negligence by the insured, and no Connecticut appellate court has ever addressed that issue.  Last Tuesday, however, one of the state’s federal courts predicted that the Connecticut Supreme Court would hold… Continue reading Connecticut Court Holds No Cause Of Action Against Independent Adjuster For Negligence

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