Denise Sze | Property Insurance Coverage Law Blog | December 30, 2015 Over a course of the last few years I’ve written about California Insurance Code 2071.1 and an insured’s rights, which includes the right to review their claim file before an examination under oath (EUO) is conducted. As the year draws to a close… Continue reading California Examinations Under Oath: Protecting the Insured through a Reasonable Examination Under Oath
Month: January 2016
Lawyer Sued For Filing Claims on Behalf of Policyholders He Does Not Represent
Chip Merlin | Property Insurance Coverage Law Blog | January 14, 2016 I suppose if business is really bad for some lawyers, they could just fantasize about representing people and seeking justice. If the pleadings filed by Allstate are true, one Texas lawyer went beyond fantasy and literally filed insurance claims and threatened lawsuits on… Continue reading Lawyer Sued For Filing Claims on Behalf of Policyholders He Does Not Represent
Florida’s Construction Defect Statute Undergoes Significant Changes In 2015
Gary L. Brown | Arnstein & Lehr LLP | January 13, 2016 During the 2015 regular legislative session, the Florida Legislature made several key revisions to Chapter 558 – Florida’s Construction Defect Statute. These amendments, which became effective on October 1st, will significantly alter some of the provisions of the statute, which sets forth a… Continue reading Florida’s Construction Defect Statute Undergoes Significant Changes In 2015
Design Liability and Right of Way Risk Allocation for Design-Build Projects
Nancy C. Smith, Rick E. Rayl and Donna Brady | Nossaman LLP | January 15, 2016 Design liability and right-of-way risk allocation are topics addressed in a legal research digest recently published by the Transportation Research Board’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP). The report, which can be downloaded here [Liability of Design-Builders for Design, Construction,… Continue reading Design Liability and Right of Way Risk Allocation for Design-Build Projects
Here are 5 insurance tech trends you’ll see this year
Sreedhar Alavalapati and Krishna Prasad | Property Casualty 360° | January 18, 2016 As part of the larger trend around big data turned into actionable analytics, insurers will begin to reap the benefits of those efforts in 2016. (Photo: Shutterstock) Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr, the French journalist and novelist of the early 29th century, first coined… Continue reading Here are 5 insurance tech trends you’ll see this year