You need CLE/CE credits and we are here to help you! The Construction Defect & Dispute Conferences provide regional conferences to help you cut travel costs, time commitments and make it easier for you to get those credits. An even better way to earn those credits and build up a more impressive reputation and resume… Continue reading CDDC Call for Presenters
Month: May 2016
Consideration of Force Majeure in Construction Contracts
Jonathan Massell and David A. Senter | Nexsen Pruet | April 25, 2016 Before entering into a construction contract, consider how force majeure events are evolving in today’s world. Have you looked the risk of climate change causing more frequent unusual or severe weather? What about the risk of an act of terrorism? Force Majeure… Continue reading Consideration of Force Majeure in Construction Contracts
What Triggers Ordinance or Law Coverage?
Ana Reis | Property Insurance Coverage Law Blog | April 28, 2016 In our practice we are often called upon to represent clients where their claim for ordinance and law coverage has been denied. This is because ordinance and law coverage is one of the most misunderstood and incorrectly interpreted policy provisions there is. Although,… Continue reading What Triggers Ordinance or Law Coverage?
10 Things you Need to Know About Expert Evidence
Gregory Buckley | Eversheds LLP | April 18, 2016 The requirement for expert evidence is almost taken for granted in construction and engineering disputes. It is assumed that the technical nature of the issues will be sufficiently complex that the court will need specialist input to understand them, and that such input will be required… Continue reading 10 Things you Need to Know About Expert Evidence
Does Actual Cost Value Equal Fair Market Value When it Comes to Property Damage?
Denise Sze | Property Insurance Coverage Law Blog | April 27, 2016 When reading insurance policies it can be confusing to a policyholder regarding the differences in valuation of real property and personal property when terms like “fair market value”, “actual cost value”, and “replacement cost value” are referenced without explanation. Insurance companies use these… Continue reading Does Actual Cost Value Equal Fair Market Value When it Comes to Property Damage?