James Platt | Advise & Consult, Inc. | November 11, 2016 1. An expert witness when called upon to opine during the litigation process first has the obligation to understand the case he is being asked to become involved with and also understand his role of support as a participant in the process. The parameters… Continue reading An Expert Witness Job Description
Month: November 2016
Is a Property Owner Required to Accept Its Contractor’s Offer to Repair Construction Defects
Jeffrey S. Wertman | Berger Singerman LLP | November 8, 2016 A question that frequently arises after a construction project is whether a property owner should accept its contractor’s offer to repair construction defects. The scenario goes something like this. Shortly after a contractor completes a construction project, the property owner discovers the contractor’s… Continue reading Is a Property Owner Required to Accept Its Contractor’s Offer to Repair Construction Defects
Droning Along: What Commercial Real Estate Property Owners Should Consider In The Drone Age
Jennifer Smith | Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, PC | November 16, 2016 Drone use in the real estate industry has exploded in recent months. The utility of drones in sales, marketing, construction, surveying, and inspection of real property is undeniable. There is vast potential for commercial use of drones in the real… Continue reading Droning Along: What Commercial Real Estate Property Owners Should Consider In The Drone Age
Settle Now, Argue Later: Expedited Construction Adjudication Is Coming to North America
Philip L. Bruner, Esq. | JAMS ADR Blog | November 10, 2016 Construction adjudication, the dispute resolution method credited with reducing construction litigation by more than 80 percent in the United Kingdom, is coming to North America. The adjudication method requires disputes arising during construction to be submitted to an adjudicator for a prompt initial… Continue reading Settle Now, Argue Later: Expedited Construction Adjudication Is Coming to North America
The Importance of Situational Leverage
John Benjamin Patrick | Gordon & Rees LLP | November 11, 2016 George Orwell wrote “all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” In construction, this is plainly true. The large, multi-billion dollar prime contractor, for example, is unlikely to negotiate subcontract terms with the 7-figure concrete installer. The public agency… Continue reading The Importance of Situational Leverage