Washington Supreme Court Expands Contractor Notice Obligations

Brett M. Hill | Ahlers Cressman & Sleight | November 26, 2018 The Washington State Supreme Court dealt another blow to public works contractors in Washington State. In a case recently issued by the court, Nova Contracting, Inc. v. City of Olympia, [1] the court expanded contractors’ obligations when providing notice on public works construction projects.… Continue reading Washington Supreme Court Expands Contractor Notice Obligations

Wildfire Considered One Occurrence Despite Damaging Numerous Properties

Christina Phillips | Property Insurance Coverage Law Blog | November 29, 2018 A recent decision by the Supreme Court of Wisconsin1 might predict how other courts would analyze coverage under commercial general liability insurance policies for wildfires. In May 2013, a fire broke out on forest land owned by Lyme St. Croix Forest Company. The fire… Continue reading Wildfire Considered One Occurrence Despite Damaging Numerous Properties

Contractors Versus the Insurance industry—AOB’s Are Under Attack

Chip Merlin | Property Insurance Coverage Law Blog | December 3, 2018 The National Association of Public Insurance Adjusters held its mid-year meeting last week and the topic of assignment of benefits, commonly referred to as AOB’s, was on the agenda. Lisa Miller, an insurance lobbyist and regulator I have come across for over twenty-five years was the… Continue reading Contractors Versus the Insurance industry—AOB’s Are Under Attack

Period of Restoration – Valuing Business Interruption Claims, Part I

Iris Kuhn | Property Insurance Coverage Law Blog | November 30, 2018 Business interruption coverage is very valuable to many policyholders in the wake of Hurricane Michael. Florida business owners may seek coverage under their commercial insurance policies for business interruption, which indemnifies them for lost earnings and expenses if their businesses are partially or… Continue reading Period of Restoration – Valuing Business Interruption Claims, Part I

Pollution Exclusion Does Not Apply To Concrete Settling Dust

Tred R. Eyerly | Insurance Law Hawaii | October 24, 2018 Applying Virginia law, the federal district court determined that the pollution exclusion did not bar coverage. Allied Prop. & Cas. Ins. Co. v. Zenith Aviation, Inc., 2018 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 14727 (E.D. Va. Aug. 29, 2018). Zenith Aviation, Inc. hired Abby Construction Company to install… Continue reading Pollution Exclusion Does Not Apply To Concrete Settling Dust

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