Christopher Moore Sweeney | Cozen O’Connor During the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, OSHA provided standards for recording workplace exposures to COVID-19. These standards broadly require employers to record COVID-19 illnesses of its employees if three conditions are met: it is a “confirmed” case of COVID-19; the case is “work-related;” and it meets… Continue reading What OSHA’s New Guidance Means for the Construction Industry
Month: April 2020
Are COVID-19 Claims Covered by Builders Risk Insurance Policies?
Cheryl L. Kozdrey | Saxe Doernberger & Vita and Jason M. Adams | Gibbs Giden Locher Turner Senet & Wittbrodt If you are an attorney, insurance broker, or other professional representing developers and contractors, then your clients have likely reached out with concerns about losses related to COVID-19. One common question is whether there is… Continue reading Are COVID-19 Claims Covered by Builders Risk Insurance Policies?
Trade Contractors, Worker Safety, Indemnity, and COVID-19
Carol A. Sigmond | Porzio Bromberg & Newman Generally, project owners, construction managers and some general contractors have been investigating ways to maintain progress on their project in face of ‘social distancing’ and ‘stay at home’ orders from governmental authorities. Many workers and subcontractors have joined in the clamor to continue working. However, financially… Continue reading Trade Contractors, Worker Safety, Indemnity, and COVID-19
For Developers and Owners: How COVID-19 Is Affecting Construction Projects and Actions You Should Consider
Robert C. Epstein, David C. Jensen, Zackary D. Knaub, Steven C. Russo and John L. Mascialino | GreenbergTraurig The global spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is generating unprecedented delays, disruptions and uncertainty on construction projects. Travel restrictions, social distancing and quarantines are increasingly disrupting supply chains, contractor workforces and the availability of governmental personnel… Continue reading For Developers and Owners: How COVID-19 Is Affecting Construction Projects and Actions You Should Consider
Virtual Mediation (Part 2): The Challenge of Establishing Trust
Donald R. Frederico | Pierce Atwood Like most aspects of litigation, mediation is a very personal pursuit. So much depends on the credibility and communication skills of the participants. Equally important are the participants’ non-verbal cues, including tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language. And a key to success of many mediations is the… Continue reading Virtual Mediation (Part 2): The Challenge of Establishing Trust