Scott Seaman and Judith Selby | Hinshaw & Culbertson Since our prior post from last week, additional COVID-19 coverage lawsuits have been filed throughout the United States, and themes and insights concerning theories of coverage continue to emerge. At least four new coverage actions have now been commenced in Indiana, Florida, Texas, and Illinois. The Indiana and Florida suits were filed… Continue reading Additional Insights for Insurers From New COVID-19 Coverage Suits
Month: April 2020
Ongoing Impacts of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Construction Projects in Major Markets
Niel Franzese | Construction Law Zone As we began to describe on March 18, the economic impacts of the ongoing coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic on the construction industry are becoming more severe as the pandemic continues on and spreads. Substantial uncertainty remains, however – as of the date of this post, the “peak” of the pandemic in… Continue reading Ongoing Impacts of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Construction Projects in Major Markets
Statutes of Limitations Are Moving Targets During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Rebecca Brazzano and Martine C. Wilson | Thompson Hine Key Notes: Carefully review the raining orders that address tolling of the statutes of limitations in your jurisdictions. Be mindful of governing choice of law provisions. Best practices include using tolling agreements and dusting off the defense of equitable tolling. One of the tried and true… Continue reading Statutes of Limitations Are Moving Targets During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Wait! Don’t Sign Yet: Reviewing Contract Protections During the COVID Pandemic
Danielle S. Ward | Balestreri Potocki & Holmes As the circumstances of the COVID pandemic change day by day, and we all rush to keep business moving where and when we can, companies should consider hitting the “pause button” before renewing or executing any new contracts. Developing contracts often takes considerable time and expense, and… Continue reading Wait! Don’t Sign Yet: Reviewing Contract Protections During the COVID Pandemic
How States’ Interstate Commerce Restrictions Are Testing the Construction Industry and the Constitution
Sarah E. Carson | Smith Currie & Hancock Imagine you are a contractor from New York where construction work is deemed nonessential, and your projects are being shut down. To stay afloat, your company begins exploring its options under the newly passed CARES Act. Knowing it is essential to keep working, the company also seeks… Continue reading How States’ Interstate Commerce Restrictions Are Testing the Construction Industry and the Constitution