Another Reminder that Contracts are Powerful in Virginia

Christopher G. Hill | Construction Law Musings Regular readers of this construction law blog are likely tired of my refrain that the contract is king here in Virginia.  With few exceptions, some of which have been passed in the last few years, the contract can and does essentially set the “law” for the transaction.  A recent opinion from the 4th… Continue reading Another Reminder that Contracts are Powerful in Virginia

Burden Supporting Termination for Default

Terminating a contractor for default is a “‘drastic sanction’ and ‘should be imposed (or sustained) only for good grounds and on solid evidence.’” Cherokee General Corp. v. U.S., 150 Fed.Cl. 270, 278 (Fed.Cl. 2020) (citation omitted).    This is true with any termination for default because terminating a contract for default is the harshest recourse that can be… Continue reading Burden Supporting Termination for Default

Top [Construction] Insurance Cases of 2020

Grace V. Hebbel | SDV Insights COVID-19 business interruption coverage litigation may have stolen the show in 2020, but those cases should not eclipse other important insurance coverage cases decided throughout this past year. As the courts nationwide struggled with the insurance coverage implications of COVID-19 related business loss, other significant coverage decisions were overshadowed.… Continue reading Top [Construction] Insurance Cases of 2020

Improving Recovery on Delay and Impact Claims Using American Society of Civil Engineers’ Standard

Jason Ebe | Snell & Willmer 2020 is now behind us, and we have reason for a positive outlook for 2021. However, delays and impacts due to COVID-19 and other factors in 2020 will likely continue into 2021, and claims and disputes over relief will likely increase in 2021. A persuasive claim analysis and presentation… Continue reading Improving Recovery on Delay and Impact Claims Using American Society of Civil Engineers’ Standard

What Every Lawyer Should Know About Insurance Coverage

John S. Worden and Nicole N. King | Venable 2020 presented new challenges and opportunities for businesses in regards to their insurance coverage and related recovery. The new year will likely present new insurance products and increased litigation. Types of Insurance. Insurance is meant to safeguard businesses against liability and financial risk. There are numerous types… Continue reading What Every Lawyer Should Know About Insurance Coverage

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