Definitions Matter in Illinois: Tenant Held Liable Only for Damage to Apartment Unit

Gus Sara | The Subrogation Strategist In Phila. Indem. Ins. Co. v. Gonzalez, No. 1-23-0833, 2024 Ill. App. Unpub. LEXIS 1372, the Appellate Court of Illinois considered whether the terms of a lease agreement limited a tenant’s liability for fire damages, a fire caused by her negligence, to her apartment unit only. The plaintiff insured the… Continue reading Definitions Matter in Illinois: Tenant Held Liable Only for Damage to Apartment Unit

California Supreme Court Finds Vertical Exhaustion Applies to First-Level Excess Policies

Tred R. Eyerly | Insurance Law Hawaii     Addressing issues left open in its seminal decision in Montrose, the California Supreme Court found that the language in the first-level excess policies meant that the insured could access the policies upon exhaustion of the directly underlying policies purchased for the same policy period. Truck Ins. Exchange v.… Continue reading California Supreme Court Finds Vertical Exhaustion Applies to First-Level Excess Policies

The Importance of Experts J&S Welding, Inc. v. Liberty Mutual Insurance Company

Paul Ferland and Lauren Berenbaum | Property Insurance Law Observer In J&S Welding, Inc. v. Liberty Mutual Insurance Company, the U.S. Court of Appeals reviewed a summary judgment ruling in favor of co-defendant West American Insurance Company (“West American”), issued by the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Tennessee. The 6th Circuit held that… Continue reading The Importance of Experts J&S Welding, Inc. v. Liberty Mutual Insurance Company

On Substantial Completion In Construction Contracts

Corey Etcheverry and Jim Goodrich | Saul Ewing “Substantial Completion” is a critical concept in construction contracts and one as to which parties often have contrary conceptions. Finding a definition of Substantial Completion acceptable to both the owner and the construction contractor on a project (not to mention one that aligns with the term in… Continue reading On Substantial Completion In Construction Contracts

New Jersey Establishes Self-Certification Program for Design Professionals, Easing Building Permit Process

Justin Calta, Nino Coviello and Randi Schillinger | Saiber On Thursday, August 22, 2024, Acting Governor Nicholas P. Scutari (D) signed into law the New Jersey Design Professional Self-Certification Act (A4360/S3402), a Bill that requires the establishment of a design professional self-certification program to be developed by the Department of Community Affairs (“DCA”). The new… Continue reading New Jersey Establishes Self-Certification Program for Design Professionals, Easing Building Permit Process

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