Bad Faith Insurance Claims

What is a Bad Faith Insurance Claim?

When you sign up for an insurance policy for your home, car or even health insurance, you enter an agreement with an insurance company that it will pay certain benefits should an accident or disaster occur.

You faithfully pay your premiums on time every month, fully expecting that safety net to be there. But what do you do if the insurance company doesn’t live up to its end of the bargain? What recourse do you have?

Did You Know Bad Faith Insurance Claims Include …

When the insurance company forces you to unusually long delays in handling a claim

When there is inadequate investigation of a claim

When threats are made against an insured person

When the insurance company refuses to make a reasonable settlement offer

When the insurance company makes unreasonable interpretations of an insurance policy


Advise & Consult, Inc. is prepared to help you in your construction related bad faith insurance claims, claim disputes, estimates or other construction related issues.  Contact us today so we can start working for you!

via Bad Faith Insurance Claims | Vassar Law.

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