2024 Construction Arbitration Rules Update

Marc Feinstein, Sherin Parikh and Andrew Weisberg | O’Melveny & Myers In March 2024, the American Arbitration Association (AAA) updated its Construction Industry Arbitration Rules, introducing two specific revisions that could impact future arbitrations. The revisions relate to consolidation and joinder, as well as arbitrator selection. As we approach the one-year anniversary of these changes,… Continue reading 2024 Construction Arbitration Rules Update

The Arbitration Club… Is Not So Exclusive

Daniel Lund III | Phelps Dunbar What happens when your designated arbitration forum is no longer available?  Plaintiff entered a subcontract in 2017 for an oil-and-gas project, which included an arbitration clause referring disputes to arbitration under the rules of Dubai International Financial Centre’s joint partnership with the London Court of International Arbitration, a/k/a the… Continue reading The Arbitration Club… Is Not So Exclusive

The International Bar Association’s Site Visit Model Protocol for International Arbitration – An Overview

Nick Oury and Tania Forichon | Herbert Smith Freehills In international arbitrations concerning physical infrastructure – particularly construction projects – tribunals are often invited or otherwise request to visit the site of the project to assist their understanding of the issues in dispute.  The International Bar Association (“IBA”) has recently published a Model Protocol to… Continue reading The International Bar Association’s Site Visit Model Protocol for International Arbitration – An Overview

Arbitration Lessons From a Arizona Recent Case, Chayce Concrete, LLC v. Path Construction Southwest, LLC

Creighton P. Dixon and Courtney Moore | Snell & Wilmer In Chayce Concrete, LLC v. Path Construction Southwest, LLC, the Arizona Court of Appeals reaffirmed Arizona courts’ deference to arbitrators when it comes to confirming an arbitrator’s award. The opinion further highlights the importance of timely addressing discovery disputes, including requests to postpone a hearing. The… Continue reading Arbitration Lessons From a Arizona Recent Case, Chayce Concrete, LLC v. Path Construction Southwest, LLC

Litigation or Arbitration: Which is Better for Adjudicating Contract Disputes?

Todd M. Conley | Womble Bond Dickinson Ask anyone with experience on construction projects, particularly large, complex “mega-projects,” and they will tell you that disputes are an expected part of doing business. It is rare that these projects come in on schedule and on budget; when they do not, the contractor and owner often vigorously… Continue reading Litigation or Arbitration: Which is Better for Adjudicating Contract Disputes?

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