Katie Fillmore | Michael Best & Friedrich “Snap removal” is a legal strategy employed by defendants to transfer a case from state court to federal court before a forum defendant—that is, a defendant who is a citizen of the state where the lawsuit was filed—is served with the complaint. This tactic leverages the “properly joined… Continue reading Oh Snap: The Latest on Snap Removal to Federal Court
Category: Construction Law
New Minnesota Rule Removes Roadblocks to Remote Depositions
Esquire Deposition Solutions Revised Minnesota pretrial discovery rules, which took effect Jan. 1, now encourage remote depositions by allowing them to be set by notice alone. Former practice required either a court order or stipulation. The changes are included in a package of rule amendments approved by the Minnesota Supreme Court late last year. Rule 30.02 of the… Continue reading New Minnesota Rule Removes Roadblocks to Remote Depositions
What Attorneys Need To Know About AB 2505
The Maloney Firm The New Pro Bono Law Lawyers practicing in California may be affected by a new law governing pro bono legal services. AB 2505, signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom, requires active California lawyers to report their pro bono hours when renewing their license each year. The law is not scheduled to go… Continue reading What Attorneys Need To Know About AB 2505
Cross Your T’s and Dot Your I’s When Moving for or Opposing a Summary Judgment
Taylor Brett | Adams and Reese Louisiana Code of Civil Procedure Article 966 sets forth the rules governing summary judgment proceedings in state court. The provisions in Article 966 are highly technical and courts require strict compliance with them before granting a motion for summary judgment. Certain of these provisions concern the way that parties… Continue reading Cross Your T’s and Dot Your I’s When Moving for or Opposing a Summary Judgment
Know Your Judge: Considerations For When To File A Spoliation Motion
Kathryn C. Cole | GreenbergTraurig Prior posts have discussed sanctions generally, as well as decisions analyzing the particulars of the operative rules (see November 2024 and December 2023 posts), but today’s blog discusses considerations for when, during a litigation, is the proper time to file a spoliation motion. District Judge Iain Johnston’s1 decision in Groves, Inc. v R.C. Bremer Marketing Associates, et al.… Continue reading Know Your Judge: Considerations For When To File A Spoliation Motion