Lucas Pizzutti | Bilzin Sumberg On June 12, 2024, the City of Miami Gardens passed an ordinance that updates its municipal code to reflect new processes for unsolicited proposals and Public-Private Partnerships (“P3”) now allowed by statute. As we have mentioned in a previous blog post, the Florida legislature recently passed HB 781, a bill that sets out new… Continue reading New State Law Regarding Unsolicited Proposals Prompts Changes in Local Government Codes
Category: Construction Law
Louisiana Adopts Two-Year Statute of Limitations for Tort Claims
Jake P. Skaggs | Cozen O’Connor One of the more unique aspects of Louisiana law was its 1-year statute of limitations (liberative prescription) for tort claims.1 The one-year time period to file a lawsuit was stress-inducing for plaintiffs, particularly in complex matters that involved multiple parties and extensive investigation. The new Act provides: ART. 3493.11. Delictual… Continue reading Louisiana Adopts Two-Year Statute of Limitations for Tort Claims
The Legal Landscape
David McMillin | Construction Executive From recent developments in payment laws and complications with change orders to a reshuffling of risk in contract language, new challenges to DEI policies and more—partners at some of CE’s 2024 Top 50 Construction Law Firms™ pass judgement on the legal issues most relevant to builders and contractors of all… Continue reading The Legal Landscape
Remote Depositions Advance Litigation When Court Reporters Are Scarce
Esquire Deposition Solutions Everyone in the legal community is aware of the current shortage of qualified court reporters. Court reporters are at a premium everywhere, but particularly in busy jurisdictions such as California, New York, Florida, and Texas. The cause is well-known. Qualified, experienced court reporters are retiring in numbers greater than the number of… Continue reading Remote Depositions Advance Litigation When Court Reporters Are Scarce
Mistake No. 4 of the Top 10 Horrible, No-Good Mistakes Construction Lawyers Make: Not Knowing When to Fold ‘Em
David K. Taylor | BuildSmart I have practiced law for 40 years with the vast majority as a “construction” lawyer. I have seen great… and bad… construction lawyering, both when representing a party and when serving over 300 times as a mediator or arbitrator in construction disputes. To be clear, I have made my share… Continue reading Mistake No. 4 of the Top 10 Horrible, No-Good Mistakes Construction Lawyers Make: Not Knowing When to Fold ‘Em