The Small Stuff: Small Claims Court and Limited Civil Court Jurisdictional Limits

Garret Murai | California Construction Law Blog Sometimes the small stuff matters.  And when it comes to legal disputes this can pose a problem for clients as well as their attorneys because litigation and arbitration, the two most frequently utilized venues to resolve legal disputes in the United States, can be and usually are expensive.… Continue reading The Small Stuff: Small Claims Court and Limited Civil Court Jurisdictional Limits

How to Write an Effective Notice of Deposition

Esquire Deposition Solutions It all starts with a notice. In modern civil litigation, the notice of deposition is the principal means for litigators to ensure that the objectives of deposing a witness are met in a timely, cost-effective, and lawful manner. That’s because a well-drafted notice of deposition gives all counsel of record the information… Continue reading How to Write an Effective Notice of Deposition

Could Drafting — And Executing — A Good Settlement Agreement Be The Key To Being A Good Trial Attorney?

Robert D. Swanson and Ian K. McGlone | BoutinJones Wisdom teaches that one should be as cautious at the end of an important endeavor as at the beginning. Somewhere between 90% and 95% of all civil cases are resolved prior to trial. In one article from 2017, it was estimated that about one percent of all federal civil cases… Continue reading Could Drafting — And Executing — A Good Settlement Agreement Be The Key To Being A Good Trial Attorney?

Construction Contractor “Mean Tweets” Edition

Garret Murai | California Construction Law Blog Back in the day, if someone had a problem with you the rules of school yard jungle dictated that they had better tell it to your face or you had the right to call them out on it. That, of course, was back then. These days, with social… Continue reading Construction Contractor “Mean Tweets” Edition

When and How to Use Deposition Summaries

Esquire Deposition Solutions The power of a well-written deposition summary is apparent to anyone who has ever successfully prepared for an examination. Busy students don’t have the time to re-read thousands of textbook pages and lecture notes. Nor do they have the time to decide – for a second time – which classroom materials contain… Continue reading When and How to Use Deposition Summaries

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