Taking An Important Case To Trial

Steven Molo and Sara Margolis | MoloLamken MoloLamken LLP partners Steven Molo and Sara Margolis discuss how a party in a high-stakes trial might improve its chances of success, or, at least avoid disaster It’s the rare businessperson who wants to have an important issue or, worse, a company’s fate decided by a judge or… Continue reading Taking An Important Case To Trial

OPINION: Stop Requiring Exhibit Lists!

Todd Heffner | The Dispute Resolver You are conducting the final hearing of a high-dollar construction arbitration. Opposing counsel hands you the next document that counsel plans to use in questioning the witness on the stand. You notice that the document is bates stamped but has no exhibit number. So, you quickly consult opposing counsel’s… Continue reading OPINION: Stop Requiring Exhibit Lists!

How Will Artificial Intelligence Impact Construction Litigation?

Patrick McKnight | The Dispute Resolver In the first half of 2023, artificial intelligence (“AI”) caught the public’s imagination. Attorneys have not been immune from the fever-pitch of commentary regarding the possible applications. While early adopters have had varying degrees of success, commentators have proposed various potential impacts on construction projects and disputes. This article… Continue reading How Will Artificial Intelligence Impact Construction Litigation?

The Trial Is Over, So Why Schedule a Deposition?

Esquire Deposition Solutions Depositions are a potent pretrial discovery and trial preparation tool. They allow parties to gather information regarding any non-privileged matter that is relevant to a party’s claim or defense. Through depositions, litigators are able to evaluate the credibility of potential witnesses, authenticate key documents, gain admissions that might narrow the scope of… Continue reading The Trial Is Over, So Why Schedule a Deposition?

Construction Litigation Roundup: “Tender Is the Fight”

Daniel Lund III | Phelps Dunbar A performance bond surety for a defaulted general contractor principal found itself with a recalcitrant owner which refused to accept the tender of a replacement general contractor to complete a $3,000,000 construction project in Monmouth County, New Jersey. Even before the original GC was off the job, the surety… Continue reading Construction Litigation Roundup: “Tender Is the Fight”

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