Five Strategies to Optimize Exhibits for Remote Depositions

Esquire Deposition Services Litigators don’t always have control over the outcome-determinative evidence in their cases. Often, contracts, accident reports, photographic images, and other critical bits of evidence have in most cases already been created when the client seeks representation. These materials are the star of the show during pretrial depositions. Traditionally, deposition exhibits were shared… Continue reading Five Strategies to Optimize Exhibits for Remote Depositions

Court Separates Facts from Fiction – Lack of Supporting Project Documents Dooms Contractor

Douglas L. Patin and Sabah Petrov | BuildSmart A recent decision from the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida demonstrates how facts supported by documents generated during the project can be vital to prime contractor/subcontractor disputes. In Berkley Ins. Co. v. Suffolk Constr. Co., No. 19-23059-CV, 2024 WL 3631226 (S.D. Fla. July 22,… Continue reading Court Separates Facts from Fiction – Lack of Supporting Project Documents Dooms Contractor

Attorneys’ Fees and the American Arbitration Association Rule

Bill Wilson | Robinson+Cole A common question from clients, when a dispute arises on a construction project, is whether they can recover their attorney’s fees from the other side if they pursue a case and win. More often than not, such fees are not recoverable. As a general rule (commonly known as the “American Rule”),… Continue reading Attorneys’ Fees and the American Arbitration Association Rule

Defendant’s Request for Attorney’s Fees Within Its Summary Judgment Motion is Insufficient to Place Plaintiff on Notice That Defendants Are Claiming Attorney’s Fees

Carolin Pacheco | Marshall Dennehey Barnhardt Construction, LLC v. Steven C. Hildreth, et al., 31 Fla. L. Weekly Supp. 600a (Fla. 5th Cir. Ct. 2024) On February 6, 2024, the Fifth Circuit Court in Hernando County, Florida, rendered a decision regarding a prevailing defendant’s request for attorney’s fees within a motion for summary judgment. The… Continue reading Defendant’s Request for Attorney’s Fees Within Its Summary Judgment Motion is Insufficient to Place Plaintiff on Notice That Defendants Are Claiming Attorney’s Fees

Should Paralegals Participate in Depositions?

Esquire Deposition Solutions The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct recently considered an interesting issue related to deposition practice: whether or not nonlawyers such as paralegals can ethically participate in pretrial depositions. The board decided in Taking of a Deposition by a Paralegal or Out-of-State Lawyer (Ohio Board of Professional Conduct, No. 2022-13) that they may not … under… Continue reading Should Paralegals Participate in Depositions?

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