Christina Phillips | Property Insurance Coverage Law Blog | August 26, 2017 The typical appraisal provision in an insurance policy requires that each party select a competent and impartial appraiser. However, what impartial means is usually undefined in the policy. Does advocacy on behalf of your appointed party mean you are not impartial? That question was recently… Continue reading An Appraiser Can Favor One Side More than the Other and Still Be Impartial
Category: Insurance Appraisal
Eighth Circuit Agrees: Pre-Award Interest on Appraisal Award is Appropriate
Christina Phillips | Property Insurance Coverage Law Blog | August 9, 2017 I recently wrote about the case of Poehler v. Cincinnait Insurance Company,1 in which the Minnesota Supreme Court recently held that Minnesota Statute section 549.09 provides for pre-interest on insurance appraisal awards. Following this decision, the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals in Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Redwood… Continue reading Eighth Circuit Agrees: Pre-Award Interest on Appraisal Award is Appropriate
Court Permits Recovery of Interest on Appraisal Award
Christina Phillips | Property Insurance Coverage Law Blog | July 30, 2017 The Minnesota Supreme Court recently held that Minnesota Statute §549.09 does not require an underlying breach of contractor or actionable wrongdoing to recover preaward interest on an insurance appraisal award in Poehler v. Cincinnati Insurance Company.1 The insured’s home was damaged by a fire,… Continue reading Court Permits Recovery of Interest on Appraisal Award