Because I Haven’t Mentioned Mediation Lately. . .

Christopher G. Hill | Construction Law Musings Any regular reader of Construction Law Musings knows that I am both a great believer in mediation and a certified Virginia mediator.  After the last few weeks in which I participated in mediation by Zoom, a Judicial Settlement Conference (read, court-ordered mediation with a retired judge), and will be participating in… Continue reading Because I Haven’t Mentioned Mediation Lately. . .

What to Expect at Mediation

John Davidson | Nexsen Pruet “This isn’t what I expected.” I hear that comment frequently from people that do not often participate in mediations. If you are involved in the construction industry, you will very likely have to participate in a mediation at some point to try to resolve a dispute. It might be a… Continue reading What to Expect at Mediation

Take Five Steps to Ensure Better Remote Mediations

Tiffany R. Caterina | Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz The current COVID-19 crisis has forced businesses and their counsel to undertake remote mediations. The cost savings, convenience, and expedited scheduling associated with remote mediations guarantee that they will continue in the future, including well after COVID-19 abates. Here are five steps all clients and practitioners can take… Continue reading Take Five Steps to Ensure Better Remote Mediations

Best Practices for Remote Mediation

Patrick McKnight | Forum on Construction Law Despite the ongoing pandemic, attorneys require effective methods for resolving construction disputes. 2020 has proven that legal conflicts are the natural result of the unprecedented uncertainty a global pandemic can produce. Parties need to resolve conflicts to continue business operations, pay employees, and protect property. Litigators have increasingly… Continue reading Best Practices for Remote Mediation

In Brief: Selecting Mediators in USA

Jessica Lee, Meredith E. Eng and Rodney I. Lewis | Polsinelli Mediators Accreditation Is there a professional body for mediators, and is it necessary to be accredited to describe oneself as a ‘mediator’? What are the key requirements to gain accreditation? Is continuing professional development compulsory, and what requirements are laid down? There are several… Continue reading In Brief: Selecting Mediators in USA

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