New Jersey Mediation Settlements Must Be Reduced to Writing

Robert Trautman – September 8, 2013 Most people battling their insurance carrier over Hurricane Sandy claims have received a notice that they are entitled to participate in a nonbinding mediation process set up by the Department of Banking and Insurance. A recent New Jersey Supreme Court ruling mandates that any settlement reached in this or… Continue reading New Jersey Mediation Settlements Must Be Reduced to Writing

Florida’s DFS Mediation Program Needs Help

Nicole Vinson – August 10, 2013 Floridians with residential property damage claims have a right to demand participation in the state mediation program if they have a dispute with their insurance company, but are disputes really getting resolved in these non-binding mediations? The Department of Consumer Services, a section of the Department of Financial Services,… Continue reading Florida’s DFS Mediation Program Needs Help

OSHA to Initiate ADR Pilot Project under Whistleblower Program

David Erickson and Mark Anstoetter – October 19, 2012 The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has announced the launch of an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) pilot project for complaints filed with the agency’s Whistleblower Protection Program. OSHA will implement the pilot project in its Chicago and San Francisco regional offices, which together… Continue reading OSHA to Initiate ADR Pilot Project under Whistleblower Program

Dispute Resolution Provisions in Construction Contracts

Antony L. Sanacory – October 2, 2012 Claims and disputes are common In the construction industry – projects are unpredictable and problems can occur for any number of reasons (e.g., poor weather and site conditions, material cost increases, design changes and delays, the owner’s decision to cancel the project, or any combination of these and… Continue reading Dispute Resolution Provisions in Construction Contracts

How to Make the Most of Mediation

Lynn M. Fischman Uniman – September 28, 2012 Today it seems that every case is mediated at some point, either voluntarily through private mediation services or involuntarily pursuant to court order. Mediation offers the parties a consensual resolution of their dispute at a relatively modest cost compared to litigating in court or before an arbitration… Continue reading How to Make the Most of Mediation

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