Shep Davidson – May 24, 2012 – The In-House Advisor After having read Mediation 101 and Mediation 201, you should have a solid understanding of what mediation is and how it works. Now, let’s discuss when it makes sense to mediate. While different types of cases get resolved through mediation every day, mediation is not… Continue reading Mediation 301: When to Mediate
Category: Mediation
Mediation 201: How Mediation Works
Shep Davidson – May 17th, 2012 – The In-House Advisor Hopefully, Mediation 101 gave you a clear understanding as to what mediation is. Now, let’s discuss how mediation works. Pre-Mediation Considerations While selecting a mediator can be critical, unlike when selecting an arbitrator, parties should not be very concerned that a biased mediator might force… Continue reading Mediation 201: How Mediation Works
Mediation 101: What it is and What it is Not
Shep Davidson – May 10, 2012 – The In-House Advisor Over the past 15 years, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) has become all the rage as parties try to limit the time and expenses they might expend if forced to litigate disputes in court. One of the ADR mechanisms whose use has exploded in growth is… Continue reading Mediation 101: What it is and What it is Not
Insurance Claims and Bad Faith Law Blog: Bad Faith Attorney’s Fees Awarded for Dishonoring Florida Mediation Agreement.
The Florida Appellate Court upheld the imposition of Attorney’s Fees as sanctions for failure to keep an agreement made by a party at Mediation in this case, under a doctrine that Attorney’s Fees can be imposed as sanctions where a Court can determine that a party has engaged in “inequitable conduct”. As described in the Appellate Court’s… Continue reading Insurance Claims and Bad Faith Law Blog: Bad Faith Attorney’s Fees Awarded for Dishonoring Florida Mediation Agreement.
Alternative Dispute Resolution: Providing New Solutions to Burdens of Dealing With Electronic Discovery in Construction Disputes
Gregory R. “Greg” Meeder From bidding to design to construction management, the use of computer-driven technology and tools have exploded in the construction industry. Historically, construction disputes have always been document intensive because they involve multiple parties, facts developing over one or more construction seasons and thousands of documents spread amongst developers, architects, engineers, general… Continue reading Alternative Dispute Resolution: Providing New Solutions to Burdens of Dealing With Electronic Discovery in Construction Disputes