Kevin Pollack | Property Insurance Coverage Law Blog | September 5, 2016 If an HOA is sued pertaining to a dispute over property damage, and the opposing party prevails and obtains an award of attorney fees, does the HOA’s liability insurance policy cover the attorney fee award? According to a recent district court decision in… Continue reading Attorneys’ Fees Incurred and Awarded as a Result of a Property Damage Claim Are Covered Under HOA’s CGL Policy
Category: Property Damage
Summary Judgment May Be Appropriate When Insured Fails to Take Reasonable Measures to Prevent Property Damage
Michael Henry | Property Insurance Law Observer | August 4, 2016 Many first party property insurance policies exclude claims for water damage that occurs when the insured premises is left vacant or unoccupied, unless the insured has used reasonable care to prevent such losses. In litigation challenging the denial of such claims, whether or not… Continue reading Summary Judgment May Be Appropriate When Insured Fails to Take Reasonable Measures to Prevent Property Damage