Construction Termination Issues Part 6: This is the End (Tips for the Design Professional)

Melissa Dewey Brumback | Construction Law in North Carolina

Whether your role is in helping analyze the contractor’s work on the project to certify a contractor’s termination for cause, or you are being shown the door yourself, and everything in between, termination is a subject that is ripe with potential problems.

pencil tips

Consider these summary tips as part of your practice, every time the termination idea arises:

  1.  Remember that you are the neutral and must be impartial between Owner and Contractor
  2. After you have made a fair decision, document your decision to the Owner and Contractor
  3. Provide options less nuclear for Owners– stop work; removing scopes of work; etc.
  4. Guide your Owner on proper termination, notice provisions, and the like
  5. Document project status, regardless of who is doing the firing and who is leaving the project
  6. Document next steps in the work on the critical path if you are the one leaving the project
  7. Discuss the use of your subconsultants if you are leaving
  8. Protect your plans and specifications, and only release them with protections (licensing fee; limiting language on the plans; and/or indemnity agreements)

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