Oral Contract and Invalid Lien Spell Trouble for Contractor

Jordan Weeks | Frantz Ward Speedy Maintenance, LLC v. Windsor Tower, LLC, 2024-Ohio-5841 (2d Dist.) is a recent case concerning a dispute over repairs to a parking garage where Ohio’s Second District Court of Appeals confronted issues such as: Case Background The Owner of a commercial building sought to renovate an attached, six-floor parking garage.… Continue reading Oral Contract and Invalid Lien Spell Trouble for Contractor

Recent Colorado Appeals Court Decision Provides Further Guidance on the Colorado Economic Loss Rule Doctrine

Laurie Choi, Amanda E. McKinlay and Joe Layzell | Snell & Wilmer In the recent decision of Veolia Water Tech., Inc. v. Antero Treatment LLC, 2024 COA 126 (Colo. App. 2024), the Colorado Court of Appeals addressed the “murky” application of the economic loss rule to the intentional tort of fraud. The Court separately affirmed the… Continue reading Recent Colorado Appeals Court Decision Provides Further Guidance on the Colorado Economic Loss Rule Doctrine

Arbitration Lessons From a Arizona Recent Case, Chayce Concrete, LLC v. Path Construction Southwest, LLC

Creighton P. Dixon and Courtney Moore | Snell & Wilmer In Chayce Concrete, LLC v. Path Construction Southwest, LLC, the Arizona Court of Appeals reaffirmed Arizona courts’ deference to arbitrators when it comes to confirming an arbitrator’s award. The opinion further highlights the importance of timely addressing discovery disputes, including requests to postpone a hearing. The… Continue reading Arbitration Lessons From a Arizona Recent Case, Chayce Concrete, LLC v. Path Construction Southwest, LLC

Insureds’ Not Entitled to Recovery for Partial Collapse

Tred R. Eyerly | Insurance Law Hawaii     The Sixth Circuit affirmed the District Court’s decision that the insureds could not recover for a partial collapse of a wall. Builders Mut. Ins. Co. v. GCC Construction, LLC, 2024 U.S. App. LEXIS 31518 (6th Cir. Dec. 11, 2024).      Tahini Main Street bought a century-old building… Continue reading Insureds’ Not Entitled to Recovery for Partial Collapse

General Contractor Defeats Owner’s Notice Argument and Prevails in Seattle Condo Dispute

John Mark Goodman | BuildSmart The Washington Court of Appeals recently affirmed a jury verdict and $30 million judgment for general contractor Skanska. The case involves the construction of the 41-story Nexus condominium tower in downtown Seattle. As is often the case, one of the central issues was whether Skanska was entitled to be paid for alleged changes… Continue reading General Contractor Defeats Owner’s Notice Argument and Prevails in Seattle Condo Dispute

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