Subcontracts: Tips For General Contractors And Subcontractors

Mario Nicholas | Stoel Rives Drafting and negotiating subcontracts can be tricky for both general contractors and subcontractors. General contractors are caught in between owners and subcontractors as the ones that will be held responsible for the work performed by the subcontractor, and their subcontracts should reflect that risk. Subcontractors, on the other hand, may… Continue reading Subcontracts: Tips For General Contractors And Subcontractors

Mistake No. 8 of the Top 10 Horrible, No-Good Mistakes Construction Lawyers Make: Know the Benefits and Perils of a Privately Administered Arbitration

David K. Taylor | BuildSmart I have practiced law for 40 years with the vast majority as a “construction” lawyer. I have seen great… and bad… construction lawyering, both when representing a party and when serving over 300 times as a mediator or arbitrator in construction disputes. I have made my share of mistakes and… Continue reading Mistake No. 8 of the Top 10 Horrible, No-Good Mistakes Construction Lawyers Make: Know the Benefits and Perils of a Privately Administered Arbitration

Breaking Down the Walls: A Series on Construction Delay Claims (Part 4 of 6)

Thomas Certo | Ankura In the fast-paced world of construction, delays and disruption can pose significant challenges to project success. In this Breaking Down the Walls series, Gary Brummer, a partner at Margie Strub Construction Law LLP, and Jacob Lokash, an associate at the firm, draw upon their extensive legal expertise to explore the complexities of construction… Continue reading Breaking Down the Walls: A Series on Construction Delay Claims (Part 4 of 6)

Understanding the Impact of AI: Artificial Intelligence, Construction Contracts, and Even More Complicated Disputes

Aaron Evenchik adn Rob Remington | Hahn Loeser & Parks Artificial Intelligence will impact construction in ways that are both predictable and unexpected.  Similar to technologies such as Building Information Modeling (BIM) and GPS, the use of AI hopes to make construction safer, less prone to error, find issues earlier, and reduce delay and costs. … Continue reading Understanding the Impact of AI: Artificial Intelligence, Construction Contracts, and Even More Complicated Disputes

What to Do if Your Federal Contract was Wrongfully Terminated by the Government

Aron B. Beezley and Nathaniel J. Greeson | BuildSmart Government contracts often include a termination for convenience clause, generally allowing federal agencies to cancel agreements when it serves the government’s interest. While this power is fairly broad, it is not absolute — and when misused, contractors may have legal recourse. Several court cases highlight situations… Continue reading What to Do if Your Federal Contract was Wrongfully Terminated by the Government

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