Proposing a New ADR Service: Mediated Evaluation

John W. Hinchey, Esq. | JAMS Sometimes, the traditional forms of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) don’t always neatly address the needs of parties. The gaps help explain the recent trend in the ADR community to combine dispute resolution procedures into one seamless service. For example, we’ve seen mediators transition to decision-makers with med-arb, and with… Continue reading Proposing a New ADR Service: Mediated Evaluation

Dispute Resolution Methods: Uses of Alternative Dispute Resolution

Adam Waks | Davis Wright Tremaine Family businesses are full of dynamics that are not present in other business types. While there are many benefits to the familial relationships present in family businesses, it can also mean that disagreements can feel more personal and issues that stem from outside of the business can lead to… Continue reading Dispute Resolution Methods: Uses of Alternative Dispute Resolution

Alternative Dispute Resolution: Mediation, Arbitration, and Appraisal

Tom Oster | Harris Bricken Over the years, “Alternative Dispute Resolution” (ADR) has become more and more prevelant in both contract drafting as well as litigation. Far from being an “alternative,” most disputes at some point will involve some degree of ADR, whether required by contract, by the courts, or driven by the costs of… Continue reading Alternative Dispute Resolution: Mediation, Arbitration, and Appraisal

JAMS Announces Updated Construction Rules

JAMS JAMS, the largest private provider of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) services worldwide, is pleased to announce it has revised and updated its Construction Arbitration Rules & Procedures and Expedited Construction Arbitration Rules & Procedures, effective June 1. These Rules were updated to reflect the latest developments and trends in construction arbitration. In response to the transition to virtual and hybrid… Continue reading JAMS Announces Updated Construction Rules

Try Med-Arb as an Alternative to the Typical Alternative Dispute Resolution

Brian Gaudet | Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton An alternative to traditional alternative dispute resolution called med-arb, a combination of mediation and arbitration, should be strongly considered in small and uncomplicated cases. Alternative dispute resolution in the construction context typically means arbitration and mediation. Dispute review boards and executive negotiations are some others, but those are… Continue reading Try Med-Arb as an Alternative to the Typical Alternative Dispute Resolution

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