Henry Allen Blair | Stinson | August 9, 2019 I can’t believe we’re more than a week into August! I don’t know about you, but I feel like I’m going to have to say goodbye to summer too soon. I love fall, so maybe that’s not so bad? Anyway, speaking of farewells, this week we get… Continue reading Waving Goodbye to Arbitration
Tag: arbitration
One Way Arbitration Provisions are Enforceable in Virginia
Christopher G. Hill | Construction Law Musings | August 8, 2019 Here at Construction Law Musings, I’ve discussed arbitration clauses (pros and cons) as well as the fact that in our fair Commonwealth, contracts are enforced as written (for better or worse). A case out of the Eastern District of Virginia takes both of these observations and… Continue reading One Way Arbitration Provisions are Enforceable in Virginia
Another Reason to Always Respond (or Hensel Phelps Wins One!)
Christopher G. Hill | Construction Law Musings | June 18, 2019 Here at Construction Law Musings, Hensel Phelps Construction Co. is best known as the company that got whipsawed between indemnity rules and the lack of a statute of limitations for state agencies. However a recent case out of the Federal District Court for the Eastern District… Continue reading Another Reason to Always Respond (or Hensel Phelps Wins One!)
Disclosure in International Arbitration: Using US Courts to Obtain Discovery for Non-US Proceedings
Matthew Kirtland and Katie Connolly | International Law Office | May 23, 2019 Introduction Unbeknown to many, Section 1782 of Title 28 of the US Code permits parties to obtain discovery in the United States in aid of non-US legal proceedings, including – in some instances – international arbitrations. Such discovery can include documents and… Continue reading Disclosure in International Arbitration: Using US Courts to Obtain Discovery for Non-US Proceedings
U.S. Supreme Court Affirms the Necessity of Express Authorization for Class Arbitration
Micha Nandaraj Gallo | Covington & Burling | April 25, 2019 On April 24, 2019, the Supreme Court issued its opinion in Lamps Plus, Inc., et al. v. Varela, addressing the question of whether an ambiguous arbitration agreement can be read to compel class arbitration under the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. §§ 1-16 (2000). Underscoring the controversial… Continue reading U.S. Supreme Court Affirms the Necessity of Express Authorization for Class Arbitration