Fourth Circuit: Courts, Not Arbitrators, Decide If Arbitration Agreement Authorizes Class-Wide Arbitration

Archis A. Parasharami, Kevin S. Ranlett and Charles E. Harris, II | Mayer Brown | April 4, 2016 A unanimous panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit has held that the question whether an arbitration agreement authorizes class-wide arbitration is for the courts, not an arbitrator, to decide—unless the agreement clearly… Continue reading Fourth Circuit: Courts, Not Arbitrators, Decide If Arbitration Agreement Authorizes Class-Wide Arbitration

Arbitration vs. Litigation: The Great Debate

David K. Taylor | Bradley Boult Cummings LLP | April 12, 2016 Many of the “form” commercial construction contracts (e.g., AIA forms) contain “dispute resolution” clauses proposing binding arbitration as opposed to courtroom litigation. Most U.S. courts, faced with the number of cases flooding the legal system, regularly enforce arbitration clauses. However, the decision to… Continue reading Arbitration vs. Litigation: The Great Debate

Agreements to Arbitrate Are Simple, Right?

Ira M. Schulman | Pepper Hamilton LLP | March 31, 2016 The construction industry has been a leader in the use of arbitration to resolve disputes. In the past 30 years, it is fair to say that arbitration has outpaced litigation as the dominant method of dispute resolution. The protracted time for a construction case… Continue reading Agreements to Arbitrate Are Simple, Right?

The Camel’s Nose: Incorporating Commercial and Construction Arbitration Rules

Jackson Hill, IV | Bradley Arant Boult Cummings | Construction and Procurement Law News | March 23, 2016 There is an old proverb that states, “If the camel once gets his nose in the tent, his body will soon follow.” Stated differently, one should not let the camel’s nose inside unless he or she is… Continue reading The Camel’s Nose: Incorporating Commercial and Construction Arbitration Rules

Arbitration 201: Drafting the Arbitration Clause for the Arbitration you want

Erika Birg | Inside Counsel | March 24, 2016 The parties are close to completing their negotiations on every point in the deal, but there is one aspect left: dispute resolution. It is admittedly difficult when putting together an agreement to look ahead to how it may fall apart in the future, but that is… Continue reading Arbitration 201: Drafting the Arbitration Clause for the Arbitration you want

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