9 Basic Strategies for Pursuing Coverage for Construction Accident Claims

William S. Bennett | SDV Insights Construction accidents happen all the time. Accidents involving worker injuries or damage to property can shut down a job site and cause significant losses. Contractors should be diligent and aggressive in examining all of the available options for recovery under their different insurance policies and bonds. This article will… Continue reading 9 Basic Strategies for Pursuing Coverage for Construction Accident Claims

9 Basic Strategies for Pursuing Coverage for Construction Accident Claims

William S. Bennett | Saxe Doernberger & Vita Construction accidents happen all the time. Accidents involving worker injuries or damage to property can shut down a job site and cause significant losses. Contractors should be diligent and aggressive in examining all of the available options for recovery under their different insurance policies and bonds. This… Continue reading 9 Basic Strategies for Pursuing Coverage for Construction Accident Claims

Court Finds that Subcontractor Lacks Standing to Appeal Summary Judgment Order Simply Because Subcontractor “Might” Lose at Trial Due to Order

Garret Murai | California Construction Law Blog Cases sometimes take unanticipated twists and turns. Atlas Construction Supply, Inc. v. Swinerton Builders, Case No. D076426 (January 26,2021), involving a tragic construction accident, a motion for summary judgment, a motion for good faith settlement, and a stipulated dismissal, is one of those cases. The Accident Swinerton Builders was the… Continue reading Court Finds that Subcontractor Lacks Standing to Appeal Summary Judgment Order Simply Because Subcontractor “Might” Lose at Trial Due to Order

Holding General Contractors Liable for Construction Work Accidents

Jonathan Rosenfeld | Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers If you are a Chicago construction worker, then you probably cannot sue your boss for injuries you sustain on the job. Yet, if someone else caused the accident, including the general contractor, then you may be able to sue them for financial compensation. We can work with you to… Continue reading Holding General Contractors Liable for Construction Work Accidents

Be Prepared When Accidents Strike

Clark Samuelson | Framing Issues If you work in the construction industry, there’s a good chance that you have heard a heartbreaking story about an accident that occurred at a construction site which resulted in serious injury or death to one or more construction worker(s). Unfortunately, these accidents are a reality in the construction world… Continue reading Be Prepared When Accidents Strike

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