Understanding the Impact of AI: Artificial Intelligence, Construction Contracts, and Even More Complicated Disputes

Aaron Evenchik adn Rob Remington | Hahn Loeser & Parks Artificial Intelligence will impact construction in ways that are both predictable and unexpected.  Similar to technologies such as Building Information Modeling (BIM) and GPS, the use of AI hopes to make construction safer, less prone to error, find issues earlier, and reduce delay and costs. … Continue reading Understanding the Impact of AI: Artificial Intelligence, Construction Contracts, and Even More Complicated Disputes

Keep It Simple: Summarize (Voluminous Evidence, That Is…)

Steve Swart | The Dispute Resolver “The most complex analyses grow beautifully simple as they become public objects.” Philip Rieff, Fellow Teachers (1973), quoted in JOHN BARTLETT, BARTLETT’S FAMILIAR QUOTATIONS 800 (Geoffrey O’Brien gen. ed., 18th ed. 2012)  In a recent ABA Forum on Construction Law Webinar, a panelist with substantial experience as an arbitrator explained… Continue reading Keep It Simple: Summarize (Voluminous Evidence, That Is…)

Construction Law and Alternative Dispute Resolution: A Look at Current Trends

Jennifer Grippa, Barry Howard and Christopher Smith | Miles Mediation & Arbitration Construction law encompasses a vast area of state and federal laws, rules, and regulations. Construction lawsuits may include issues of commercial law, contract law, employment law, environmental law, personal injury claims, property law, and regulatory claims, among others, and often involve multiple parties… Continue reading Construction Law and Alternative Dispute Resolution: A Look at Current Trends

Construction Litigation Roundup: “Hold the Pickles, Hold the Lettuce?”

Daniel Lund III | Phelps Dunbar Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce? You can even hold the service… or at least proof of it!  In a dispute over the construction of a Burger King restaurant in Tupelo, Mississippi, a state court suit by the owner against its general contractor and architect was removed to federal… Continue reading Construction Litigation Roundup: “Hold the Pickles, Hold the Lettuce?”

Construction Litigation Unveiled: Navigating Disputes in the Built World

Michael Cortez | Baker & Hostetler Audio of this podcast is available at the link above. Lee: As construction projects become more intricate and expansive, the window for disputes has widened. Rushing projects into construction phases has led to contract document errors and omissions emerging as the key source of legal conflicts within the last… Continue reading Construction Litigation Unveiled: Navigating Disputes in the Built World

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