Eugene Peterson | Advise & Consult, Inc. | August 18, 2016 Numbers in our business are pretty important. With few exceptions our disputes center on actions which include remedies that are translated into numbers. Is there anything more terrifying than having to go to court with numbers you are uncertain of or question? It seems… Continue reading Getting the Best Numbers on Your Estimate
Tag: Construction Estimates
Quality Construction Estimates Help Stop or Avoid Disputes
Advise & Consult, Inc. | September 21, 2015 As construction estimate expert witnesses, many of the cases that we are involved in don’t necessarily revolve around the construction defect or property damage itself, but what the cost of the repairs will be. If anyone has ever gotten multiple estimates for any type of work, you know… Continue reading Quality Construction Estimates Help Stop or Avoid Disputes
Top Four Challenges Facing Construction Estimators
Joanie Hollabaugh – August 19, 2013 ranks construction estimators in position number 54 of their Top 100 Best Jobs (November, 2010 issue). Puts them right in the middle of the pack, right? Then, they also break it down into segments that reflect the research by “quality of life ratings”: Personal Satisfaction: B Job Security:… Continue reading Top Four Challenges Facing Construction Estimators
Adjustment of Claims is 100 Percent Policyholder Service–Is The Insurance Industry Providing This Service?
Chip Merlin – June 18, 2013 Property claims adjusters are supposed to promptly evaluate damage, investigate coverage, and provide full benefits to policyholders. Adjustment is about giving the customer the service promised and paid for when the policy was purchased. This service is not paid with “indemnity dollars,” but with insurance company claims expense dollars,… Continue reading Adjustment of Claims is 100 Percent Policyholder Service–Is The Insurance Industry Providing This Service?