Construction Contractors: Beware of Over-Indemnification (a Gentle Reminder)

Potomac Law Group Like an alligator in the swamp, every few years this issue resurfaces ready to take a bite out of unsuspecting contractors; namely the abuse of the indemnification clause to shift inappropriate risk. Indemnification provisions play an important role in managing the risks associated with construction contracting. Indemnity clauses require one party to… Continue reading Construction Contractors: Beware of Over-Indemnification (a Gentle Reminder)

Will your Indemnity Clauses be Unenforceable on January 1, 2013?

Bryan C. Jackson and Gregory Clark December 17 2012 Amendments to California’s construction indemnity statutes will go into effect on January 1, 2013. Your commercial construction contracts may need to be modified or other strategies may need to be implemented or your indemnity clauses may be held void and unenforceable. We are available to revise your commercial… Continue reading Will your Indemnity Clauses be Unenforceable on January 1, 2013?

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