Construction Law Client Alert : Appellate Court Clarifies When Builders Must Produce Documents In SB 800 Cases

V. Winnie Tungpagasit – November 26, 2012 In the recent case of Darling et al. v. Superior Court (Western Pacific Housing, Inc.) 2012 Cal. App. Lexis 1189 (filed November 16, 2012), the First District of the California Court of Appeal confirmed the trial court’s order staying a construction defect case because the homeowners in the… Continue reading Construction Law Client Alert : Appellate Court Clarifies When Builders Must Produce Documents In SB 800 Cases

Arizona Construction Law Summary

James J. Sienicki and Eric H. Spencer – September 14, 2012 This year has been a busy one so far for legal developments affecting the Arizona construction industry. Here is a brief summary of court cases and legislation of interest. Case Law: In Wang Electric, Inc. v. Smoke Tree Resort, LLC, 2012 Ariz. App. LEXIS 120,… Continue reading Arizona Construction Law Summary

Construction Defect Litigation In California

Harry Kaladjian – August 20, 2012 We all have seen the massive tract housing developments that have sprung up in California, as well as the recent conversions of certain high rise commercial buildings that have been transformed into mixed-use residential condominiums. Upon completion of these developments and after a homeowner takes possession and notices some… Continue reading Construction Defect Litigation In California

Tips for Construction Defect Plaintiff Attorneys, and more… | The A/E/C Brief

Brian L. Hill – August 6, 2012 As I mentioned in my last newsletter, I attended LiMa Solutions’ VE-ADR 2012 conference in Key West, FL. This week, I am publishing the first in a series of posts with key take-away from the event. The first article is VE-ADR 2012: Emerging Strategies for Successful Construction Defect… Continue reading Tips for Construction Defect Plaintiff Attorneys, and more… | The A/E/C Brief

Construction Law Deals With Construction and Business

Antoinette Ayana – June 19, 2012 Many participants in the construction industry are affected by construction law issues to include subcontractors, builders, homeowners, contractor, business owners, and more. This area of law involves the application of several general bodies of law to industry problems. It also includes issues that result from the association of the… Continue reading Construction Law Deals With Construction and Business

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