Floating on Assumption: Navigating Construction Project Float Ownership

Whitney Judson | International Law Office | January 7, 2019 Introduction Construction project schedules are oftentimes the source of many disputes between project owners and contractors. These disputes notoriously evolve into the subject of litigation and arbitration claims that assign fault for delayed project completion to one party or another. A party finding itself in… Continue reading Floating on Assumption: Navigating Construction Project Float Ownership

Floating on Assumption: Navigating Construction Project Float Ownership

Whitney Judson | International Law Office | January 7, 2019 Introduction Construction project schedules are oftentimes the source of many disputes between project owners and contractors. These disputes notoriously evolve into the subject of litigation and arbitration claims that assign fault for delayed project completion to one party or another. A party finding itself in… Continue reading Floating on Assumption: Navigating Construction Project Float Ownership

Mind the Details: Make Sure your WRAP Coverage is Done Right

James Vorhis  | Litigation Advocates | October 10, 2014 A client recently asked for advice about insuring their development project with a wrap insurance policy.  As we talked through the pros and cons, I was reminded of the intricacies of wrap insurance products.  Undoubtedly, wrap insurance is a critical risk mitigation tool for many developers, owners,… Continue reading Mind the Details: Make Sure your WRAP Coverage is Done Right

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