Safety Guidance for the Prevention of the Coronavirus on Construction Sites

Heather Whitehead | Newmeyer Dillion Although construction projects are generally allowed to proceed under most COVID-19 stay at home orders, owners and contractors need to know how to proceed safely on their construction sites.  Not only do workers and others on site need to be protected, but implementation of these protocols is also critical to… Continue reading Safety Guidance for the Prevention of the Coronavirus on Construction Sites

OSHA Can’t Stop The Music, But Maybe Employers Should

Treyer Neuroth | Jackson Lewis On September 6, 2019, OSHA issued a letter of interpretation in response to an employers question regarding the use of headphones to listen to music on construction sites. The employer stated that some headphones are advertised as “OSHA approved” and asked whether OSHA had any specific regulation that prohibits the use of… Continue reading OSHA Can’t Stop The Music, But Maybe Employers Should

Proposed Changes to EPA’s Stormwater Permit for Construction Sites

Robinson & Cole | January 2, 2019 The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently announced its intention to modify the 2017 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Construction Stormwater Discharges (2017 CGP). EPA implements the 2017 CGP in states and territories that have not yet received authorization to implement the NPDES Stormwater program.… Continue reading Proposed Changes to EPA’s Stormwater Permit for Construction Sites

Mobile Phones on Construction Sites: Managing the Hazards

Mark A. Lies and Adam Young | International Law Office | October 31, 2016 Introduction Construction business today is regularly conducted through mobile phones, as a necessary tool for employees to communicate and access digital information. Bring your own device programmes and employee mobile phone use present a range of employment and labour liabilities for… Continue reading Mobile Phones on Construction Sites: Managing the Hazards

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