After January 1, 2013, under new California law, “Type I” indemnity provisions covering the indemnitee’s concurrent active negligence will no longer be enforceable, and owners’ and contractors’ ability to shift the costs of defense to downstream subcontractors and suppliers will be limited. On October 9, 2011, California Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr. signed into law… Continue reading Shifting of liability nixed by new California contractor’s law – Lexology
Tag: construction
Florida jury awards $20 million for mesothelioma – Lexology
Goldberg Segalla LLP USA October 18 2011 In Garrison v. Union Carbide Corp. (Fla. Cir., Broward Co., Sept. 21, 2011), Charles Garrison alleged that he was exposed to asbestos-containing joint compound while remodeling the attic in his uncle’s home in 1974. Mr. Garrison did the work in exchange for free housing while attending college. The… Continue reading Florida jury awards $20 million for mesothelioma – Lexology
International Green Construction Code – Lexology
Fox Rothschild LLP Kimberly A. Freimuth USA November 2 2011 The International Code Council is expected to release the International Green Construction Code (IGCC) in March 2012. The following are some bullet points on IGCC taken from the Synopsis of Public Version 2.0, which was issued in November 2010: Applicable to new construction, as well as alterations and additions to existing… Continue reading International Green Construction Code – Lexology
Coverage For Construction Defects
Insurance Coverage Law in Massachusetts: Coverage for construction defects.
Trench Accident & Construction Injury-Long Island Construction Lawyer
Trench Accident & Construction Injury-Long Island Construction Lawyer.