Christopher Mills | Jones & Keller So you’re going to be deposed. How do you prepare? The answer, in part, depends on what type of deposition you are facing. There are several different kinds, including: Those of an individual who is a party to the case A representative of a corporate entity who is a… Continue reading Facing A Deposition: Tips And Strategies
Tag: Deposition
The Importance of a Rule 30(b)(6) Deposition
Daniel Ballard | Property Insurance Coverage Law Blog | November 14, 2019 A tool that every policyholder attorney should use is the 30(b)(6) deposition. This is when the policyholder attorney requests the Defendant Insurance Carrier to designate “one or more officers, directors, or managing agents, or designate other persons who consent to testify on its… Continue reading The Importance of a Rule 30(b)(6) Deposition
Deposition Preparation
Robert J. Franco | Franco Moroney Buenik Depositions are probably the worst experience faced by those in the construction industry. Apart from the annoyance and distraction, people do not like sitting in an office answering questions. A deposition is a formal legal proceeding. It is neither a “statement,” nor an “interview.” Before the deposition begins,… Continue reading Deposition Preparation
Don’t Cross The Line With Deposition Witnesses
Shari L. Klevens and Alanna Clair | Mondaq | October 4, 2018 Here are some tips for avoiding ethical issues and the possibility of sanctions in connection with depositions. Most experienced litigators have at least one horror story of a deposition that went poorly. It usually starts with an opposing attorney with an ax to… Continue reading Don’t Cross The Line With Deposition Witnesses
The Federal Rules – Who You can Bring with You to a Deposition
Daniel K. Johnson | Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP | April 24, 2018 One consideration during discovery is whether to request that other witnesses, besides the witness who is being deposed, be sequestered from that deposition. This is a particularly relevant consideration in construction disputes, which are often fact-intensive with dozens of witnesses and potential… Continue reading The Federal Rules – Who You can Bring with You to a Deposition