When Mere Objections Are Not Enough

Esquire Deposition Solutions It’s a common practice during a deposition for lawyers to assert legal objections to witness testimony but then allow the deposition to proceed. In fact, this practice is broadly encouraged. Depositions are wide-ranging pretrial inquiries that should, under normal circumstances, continue to their conclusion regardless of arguable legal errors that might have… Continue reading When Mere Objections Are Not Enough

Can Insurers Dictate How the Insured’s Deposition Will be Conducted?

Esquire Deposition Solutions Insurers and large corporate legal departments are sophisticated consumers of legal services, but they face a constant struggle to contain the ever-rising cost of litigation against a background of budget tightening by senior executives. One strategy is to keep more legal work in-house. Other approaches include increasing the use of alternative legal… Continue reading Can Insurers Dictate How the Insured’s Deposition Will be Conducted?

Preparing Witnesses for Today’s Remote Depositions

Esquire Deposition Solutions Depositions can be stressful affairs. For many witnesses, depositions are a once-in-a-lifetime plunge into the unknown with a lot riding on their testimony. Sitting in a room full of strangers, listening to lawyers argue over barely understood matters, with a court reporter taking down every word, it’s easy for even the most… Continue reading Preparing Witnesses for Today’s Remote Depositions

The Trial Is Over, So Why Schedule a Deposition?

Esquire Deposition Solutions Depositions are a potent pretrial discovery and trial preparation tool. They allow parties to gather information regarding any non-privileged matter that is relevant to a party’s claim or defense. Through depositions, litigators are able to evaluate the credibility of potential witnesses, authenticate key documents, gain admissions that might narrow the scope of… Continue reading The Trial Is Over, So Why Schedule a Deposition?

Are Lawyers to Blame for a Client’s Boorish Deposition Behavior?

Esquire Deposition Solutions Seasoned litigators know that incivility toward opposing counsel and their clients is not only unprofessional but is, ultimately, a disservice to the client. Harsh words and dilatory behavior impair constructive communications among the lawyers involved in the case, raising costs for everyone and short-circuiting opportunities for reaching a settlement prior to trial.… Continue reading Are Lawyers to Blame for a Client’s Boorish Deposition Behavior?

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