Rachel E. Hudgins and Scott P. DeVries | Hunton Insurance Recovery Blog For policyholders, insurance is meant to provide peace of mind—a promise that when disaster strikes, they’ll have financial support to rebuild and recover. But as two recent cases show, the question of what qualifies as covered “direct physical loss or damage” can lead… Continue reading Where There’s Smoke, Is There Coverage? A Closer Look at Bottega, LLC v. National Surety and Gharibian v. Wawanesa
Tag: Direct Physical Loss
California Appellate Court Rules Wildfire Debris Does Not Qualify as “Direct Physical Loss” Under Homeowners Insurance Policy
Novera H. Ahmad | PropertyCasualtyFocus The Second Appellate District of the California Court of Appeal recently affirmed a lower court ruling that wildfire debris on an insured’s property did not qualify as “direct physical loss” within the meaning of a homeowners insurance policy, as there was no burn damage to the property. The ruling, Gharibian v.… Continue reading California Appellate Court Rules Wildfire Debris Does Not Qualify as “Direct Physical Loss” Under Homeowners Insurance Policy
COVID-19 Win for Policyholders! Court Approves “Direct Physical Loss” Argument
Gregory D. Podolak | Saxe Doernberger & Vita Late last week, a Missouri federal district court provided a significant victory for insurance policyholders for COVID-19 losses. In Studio 417, Inc. v. The Cincinnati Insurance Company 6:20-cv-03127-SRB (W.D. MO, So. Div., Aug. 12, 2020), the Court was called upon to decide whether allegations involving the presence of COVID-19… Continue reading COVID-19 Win for Policyholders! Court Approves “Direct Physical Loss” Argument
Coverage for Direct Physical Loss Does Not Necessarily Include “Matching” or Require “Aesthetic Uniformity”
Heidi Hudson Raschke | PropertyCasualtyFocus | January 29, 2016 When a property insurance policy covers a multi-story building or multi-building property, and a portion sustains damage, there is often a question regarding the extent to which undamaged property should be replaced to ensure matching and/or aesthetic uniformity throughout the property. In Great American Insurance Company… Continue reading Coverage for Direct Physical Loss Does Not Necessarily Include “Matching” or Require “Aesthetic Uniformity”
What Is Direct Physical Loss That Results From A Covered Peril?
Shaun Marker – April 29, 2013 I find it amazing in first-party property insurance that even after one has handled thousands of claims, new issues surface involving the same policy language dealt with over and over again. When such issues present themselves, the cynic may think: is the proponent of this argument clueless? The pessimist… Continue reading What Is Direct Physical Loss That Results From A Covered Peril?