Balancing New Technology and Privacy When Using Drones in Land Use and Construction

Virginia Trunkes | Construction Law Zone The mixture of sheltering-in-place, warm weather, and increasing drone usage creates a combustible situation – literally. Drone shootings are on the rise as property owners seek to combat perceived trespass, nuisance and invasions of privacy. These were some of the legal issues discussed during a webinar presented by the American Bar Association’s Section… Continue reading Balancing New Technology and Privacy When Using Drones in Land Use and Construction

Disruption: When Did It Start and Where Will It End?

Brian Gallagher | Construction Executive | April 24, 2019 If change is the only constant—as was famously observed by a Greek philosopher circa 500 B.C.—then why single out some changes as “disruption”? Disruption is about more than just technology; it’s about more, even, than the rapid rollout and development of technology in the past couple… Continue reading Disruption: When Did It Start and Where Will It End?

Derek “The Dodger” Chaiken Does Drone Analysis of Property Damage Claims

Chip Merlin | Property Insurance Coverage Law Blog | June 8, 2019 Derek Chaiken is in the Merlin Law Group Los Angeles office. He is a Los Angeles Dodger fan and a student of drone usage during the property insurance claim process. Drones are no longer science fiction, but a fairly common part of modern property… Continue reading Derek “The Dodger” Chaiken Does Drone Analysis of Property Damage Claims

Ten Things Attorneys and Insurance Professionals Should Know About Using Drones in Insurance Claims

Justin Fine, Esq. | Pessin Katz Law | August 29, 2018 The commercial application of drones is increasing. Drones are being used to fight forest fires, for commercial agriculture, and to deliver medical supplies to remote areas. Insurance companies are also increasingly using drones, which can be useful for capturing evidence during the claims process.… Continue reading Ten Things Attorneys and Insurance Professionals Should Know About Using Drones in Insurance Claims

CGL and Aviation Insurers: Filling Gaps or Staking Space in the Race for Drones

T. Patrick Byrnes and Matthew J. Kalas | Locke Lord | April 2018 Insurers searching for new sources of premium have increasingly looked to drones. But one question has dominated the conversation: who will benefit: the aviation market or traditional general liability insurers? Recent reports suggest the answer to that question may be “both.” During… Continue reading CGL and Aviation Insurers: Filling Gaps or Staking Space in the Race for Drones

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