CGL Policies and the Professional Liabilities Exclusion

David Adelstein | Florida Construction Legal Updates | August 11, 2018 Commercial general liability (CGL) policies for contractors traditionally contain a professional liabilities exclusion.  This exclusion is generally added through aspecific endorsement to eliminate coverage for professional services. Read the endorsement   The point of the exclusion, in a nutshell, is simply to eliminate a CGL policy for a… Continue reading CGL Policies and the Professional Liabilities Exclusion

Oregon Anti-Indemnity Statute Voids Sub-sub’s Duty to Indemnify Sub for the Sub’s Own Negligence

Amandeep S. Kahlon | Buildsmart | August 7, 2018 The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals recently upheld the application of Oregon’s anti-indemnity statute to a contractual indemnity provision requiring a sub-subcontractor’s insurer to indemnify the subcontractor for the subcontractor’s own negligence. In First Mercury Insurance Company v. Westchester Surplus Lines Insurance Company, Multnomah County contracted with… Continue reading Oregon Anti-Indemnity Statute Voids Sub-sub’s Duty to Indemnify Sub for the Sub’s Own Negligence

Additional Insured Coverage and Primary/Excess Priority Disputes, Oh My

James W. Bryan | Nexsen Pruet | July 19, 2018 Additional insured coverage in construction projects is one of the most vexing issues facing insurance coverage lawyers. Add to the complexity a priority dispute between primary and excess insurers and you have a recipe for complex coverage litigation. Recently, the Fourth Circuit tackled these issues… Continue reading Additional Insured Coverage and Primary/Excess Priority Disputes, Oh My

Federal Court Reaffirms That There is No Duty to Defend or Indemnify a Builder for Defective Construction Work

David M. McLain | Colorado Construction Litigation | December 18, 2017 Association Insurance Company v. Carbondale Glen Lot E-8, LLC In a case that squarely confronts the juxtaposition of an insurer’s duty to defend or indemnify its insured for construction related defects, the United States District Court for the District of Colorado recently granted an… Continue reading Federal Court Reaffirms That There is No Duty to Defend or Indemnify a Builder for Defective Construction Work

Ninth Circuit Holds That Despite ‘Known Damage’ Exclusion Insurer Had Duty Under Oregon Law to Indemnify and Defend Contractor When Property Damage Resulted From Contractor’s Negligent Repair of a Prior Negligent Act

Alex Corey | Constructlaw | June 22, 2017 Alkemade v. Quanta Indem. Co., 2017 U.S. App. LEXIS 6896 (9th Cir. Apr. 20, 2017) In 1994, Adrianus and Rachelle Alkemade (the “Alkemades”) bought a house from Meltebeke Built Paradise Homes (“Meltebeke”). The home was built on expanding soils, causing significant structural damage.  Meltebeke repaired the existing… Continue reading Ninth Circuit Holds That Despite ‘Known Damage’ Exclusion Insurer Had Duty Under Oregon Law to Indemnify and Defend Contractor When Property Damage Resulted From Contractor’s Negligent Repair of a Prior Negligent Act

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