Continued Uncertainty in Federal Regulation of Storm Water from Construction Sites

Wendy Manley – September 5, 2012 In the latest turn of the ongoing saga of storm water regulation, the U.S. EPA has withdrawn its proposed rule that would have revised the enforceable numeric effluent limits for runoff from construction sites.  The numeric limits were established for turbidity in effluent limitation guidelines (“ELG”) adopted by EPA… Continue reading Continued Uncertainty in Federal Regulation of Storm Water from Construction Sites

EPA’s Lead: Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule Pushed to 2015

Advise & Consult, Inc. – October 2, 2012 Commercial buildings now have until 2015 to comply with the Environmental Protection Agency’s Lead: Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule. This rule has been surrounded by controversy, basically since its inception. Originally, it was to include all contractors doing any renovation on pre-1978 residential and commercial buildings with… Continue reading EPA’s Lead: Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule Pushed to 2015

No More Opting Out of Rule for Renovation of Buildings Containing Lead Paint

Jennifer Sulla – July 17, 2012 On June 22, 2012, the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit upheld the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) removal of the opt-out provision for work that disturbs lead-based paint in pre-1978 housing. The opt-out provision would have allowed those homeowners who certified that there were no children… Continue reading No More Opting Out of Rule for Renovation of Buildings Containing Lead Paint

DC Circ. Upholds More Stringent EPA Lead Paint Rule

Sean McLernon – June 22, 2012 The D.C. Circuit on Friday upheld a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency decision to tighten a rule governing repairs in older homes that may have lead paint, finding the EPA was within its authority to remove an opt-out provision from the rule. The National Association of Home Builders and three… Continue reading DC Circ. Upholds More Stringent EPA Lead Paint Rule

The EPA’s Lead-Paint Lead Balloon

By JENNIFER DEPAUL, The Fiscal Times November 13, 2011 When the Environmental Protection Agency issued a new regulation in April 2010 requiring housing contractors to take extra precautions around hazardous lead paint, businesswoman Kathy Faia followed it to the letter of the law. One of her construction workers in Kenner, La., attended classes to become government-certified in… Continue reading The EPA’s Lead-Paint Lead Balloon

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