FINALLY, a CD Coverage Case in New York!!

Aquatectonics, Inc. d/b/a Loebs & Gordon PoolCraft v. The Hartford Casualty Insurance Company Well, the attack on insureds via the restrictive definition of “occurrence” (a true double edged sword for carriers), continues to march forward this time right into the Empire State, a jurisdiction not known for a plethora of CD cases nor coverage opinions… Continue reading FINALLY, a CD Coverage Case in New York!!

Good news for construction professionals: court reaffirms construction defect can be an occurrence under a general liability policy

Jerome H. Sturhahn – November 17, 2011 The last couple of years have seen Colorado courts disagree over the question whether faulty workmanship is an “occurrence” covered under a commercial general liability policy. In previous client advisories we have tracked the evolution of this issue in Colorado. Last year, the Colorado General Assembly, responding to… Continue reading Good news for construction professionals: court reaffirms construction defect can be an occurrence under a general liability policy

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