Vincent Fernandez and Shaheen Nouri | Butler Weihmuller Katz Craig Tag-teaming with Florida’s Sixth District Court of Appeal, the Second District is also at odds with the Third and Fourth Districts on the issue of retroactive application of Florida’s litigation-intent statute. In Buis v. Universal Property & Casualty Insurance Company, No. 2D2023-0655, 2024 WL 4096130 (Fla.… Continue reading The Main Event: Florida Supreme Court to Resolve District Court Split Over Retroactive Application of State’s NOI Statute
Tag: Florida
Grace is (Almost) Gone – Florida Shortens Construction Defect Lawsuits to Seven-Year Window, Beginning July 1, 2024
Lee Tomlinson | Adams and Reese On July 1, 2024, the time frame to report construction defects in the state of Florida shifts from 10 years to seven years, as the grace period ends for Florida Senate Bill 360. SB360 was signed into law last year by Gov. DeSantis. It effectively modifies Section 95.11(3)(c) (now designated… Continue reading Grace is (Almost) Gone – Florida Shortens Construction Defect Lawsuits to Seven-Year Window, Beginning July 1, 2024
Recent Florida Legislative Changes Shorten Both Statute of Limitation (“SOL”) and Statute of Repose (“SOR”) for Construction Defect Claims
Holly A. Rice | SDV Insights The Florida Legislature and Governor DeSantis passed Senate Bill 360, effective April 13, 2023, which imposes significant changes to Florida’s statute of limitation (“SOL”) and statute of repose (“SOR”) periods prescribed in Florida Statute § 95.11. In short, the SOL and SOR periods will commence earlier and run earlier,… Continue reading Recent Florida Legislative Changes Shorten Both Statute of Limitation (“SOL”) and Statute of Repose (“SOR”) for Construction Defect Claims
Florida High Court Says Appraisals Can Be Compelled Before Coverage Decided
William Rabb | Insurance Journal The Florida Supreme Court has resolved a conflict between differing appeals court decisions, deciding that property insurers can be compelled to submit to the appraisal process long before causation, coverage and misrepresentation issues are settled in claims disputes. “For the reasons explained below, we approve the Second District’s decision and… Continue reading Florida High Court Says Appraisals Can Be Compelled Before Coverage Decided
Florida’s New Pre-Suit Notification Requirement: Retroactive or Prospective Application?
Holly A. Rice | Saxe Doernberger & Vita Florida’s newly formed Sixth District Court of Appeal (“Sixth DCA”) recently certified conflict with Florida’s Fourth District Court of Appeal on the issue of retroactive application of the pre-suit notice requirement contained in Florida Statute §627.70152.1 Earlier this year, the Fourth District Court of Appeal (“Fourth DCA”) held… Continue reading Florida’s New Pre-Suit Notification Requirement: Retroactive or Prospective Application?