SB 1196 lets Developers off the Hook for Shoddy Construction. : Florida Condo & HOA Legal Blog

Lisa Magill – February 10, 2012 SB 1196 is a broad attempt to return to the strict doctrine of caveat emptor (let the buyer beware), even when the buyer essentially cannot become aware of the risks associated with buying a home in a homeowners’ association.  It is anti-consumer legislation. SB 1196 eliminates any notion of a home… Continue reading SB 1196 lets Developers off the Hook for Shoddy Construction. : Florida Condo & HOA Legal Blog

5 Things You Should Know About Florida’s Construction Defect Statute

Chapter 558 of the Florida Statues, otherwise known as “Florida’s Construction Defect Statute” requires an owner to send a written notice to contractors, subcontractors, developers, suppliers and design professionals which identifies any construction or design defects associated with a construction project. Florida’s Construction Defect Statute is a complex web of notices, cross-notices, deadlines and inspections… Continue reading 5 Things You Should Know About Florida’s Construction Defect Statute

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