Coronavirus, Force Majeure, and Delay and Time-Impact Claims

Garret Murai | California Construction Law Blog It’s scary, uncertain times as the world grasps with how to deal with the coronavirus pandemic that has now spread to every continent on the globe with the exception of Antarctica. Although this is a global crisis, it has, and for the immediately future will continue to have,… Continue reading Coronavirus, Force Majeure, and Delay and Time-Impact Claims

Consideration of Force Majeure in Construction Contracts

Jonathan Massell and David A. Senter | Nexsen Pruet | April 25, 2016 Before entering into a construction contract, consider how force majeure events are evolving in today’s world. Have you looked the risk of climate change causing more frequent unusual or severe weather? What about the risk of an act of terrorism? Force Majeure… Continue reading Consideration of Force Majeure in Construction Contracts

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