Douglas L. Patin, Aron C. Beezley & Amandeep S. Kahlon | Buildsmart On May 19, 2020, the Federal Circuit upheld summary judgment against a government contractor for failure to file a claim timely within the six-year time limit prescribed by the Contract Disputes Act (CDA). In Electric Boat Corp. v. Secretary of the Navy, the Federal… Continue reading Don’t Forget to Certify Within Six Years: Recent Opinion Addresses Timeliness of Government Contractor’s Appeal
Tag: Government Contracts
In Construction, There’s A Tattletale And There’s What Is Right
Matthew DeVries | Best Practices Construction Law | March 5, 2018 Sometimes, we avoid doing bad things because of the risk of getting caught. Other times, we avoid doing bad things because we simply choose to do right things. Whatever the camp you fall into, a recent government contracts case tells a story that should… Continue reading In Construction, There’s A Tattletale And There’s What Is Right
Contractors Facing Government Claims may need to Submit Contractor Claim to Perfect Defences
Edward Arnold and Donald G. Fetherstun | Seyfarth Shaw | July 18, 2016 Construction contractors working under government contracts need to understand the complexities of the claims process under the Contract Disputes Act.(1) Although it is more common for the contractor to make the claim against the government, contractors should be aware of the potential… Continue reading Contractors Facing Government Claims may need to Submit Contractor Claim to Perfect Defences